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Disconnecting From The Internet Improves Your Focus!

Life in the twenty-first century is pretty sweet. You are still connected to the internet, both within and outside of your house. You’re never cut apart.

On your mobile, you have access to the whole universe. Isn’t it fantastic? NOT AT ALL

The vast majority of the people are not used by emerging technologies, but rather are used by all of that.

Apps, games, videos, articles, commercials, and television programs are all designed to hold your attention. So, every week, you spend endless hours without even understanding it. Your mind is concentrated, but not in the right places.

“To be somewhere at the same rate is to be nowhere.”

Distractions, in comparison, are already attributed to greater anxiety, irritation, time pressure, and effort, according to analysis.

Focused work is Hard. We are most often frustrated.!

It’s not your fault. The plurality of technology taps into your lizard brain and seals you in — it develops you into a customer.

So don’t really consider opposing the internet or technologies. I’m sure you’ve done it before. I’m never going to spend hours wandering aimlessly.” That’s right!

What will be effective? I recently wrote about how I overcame procrastination by devising a scheme.

Unscrew from the internet!

And there is only one explanation for this: so much of everything is evil. Even the positive stuff.

Excessive exercise? You’ll get overtrained.
1.Is it possible to have so much love? People would be suffocated by you.
2.Is there so much work? You would get exhausted.
3.Is there so much food? You will gain weight.
4.Is there so much water? You will perish.

So, why do you spend far too much time on the internet? That was a question I proposed to myself two years ago. I was at a loss for words. So I thought; I do everything else in moderation, why not the internet?

I quickly discovered there was no such thing as moderation when it comes to internet consumption. It’s similar to an all-you-can-eat buffet. You’re almost finished, so you need to feed. And after you’ve stuffed yourself, the shame will overpower you.

And that’s the same for internet use. It’s so enticing and rewarding, and available Anywhere. So you go all-in on it. YouTube, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Whatsapp, and other social media outlets.

I transitioned from “Always Attached” to “Always Disconnected.”

In fact, it functions as follows:

WiFi and cell access are all turned off by default on my account. I just use it when I need it.

“Always connected” is horrible for the concentration and efficiency.

It’s analogous to getting in shape. Or going out to eat. Alternatively, you might spend a relaxing evening with your partner. You don’t do those stuff around the clock. You can complete them in thirty minutes, an hour, or a few hours. So many of those items are inherently inadequate.

Being isolated from the internet has been very advantageous to me.

I no longer have the need to search my smartphone, email, or the media 500 times a day.

After a moment, you begin to feel as if you are not missing out on something. That gives you a sense of peace in your life.

So, the internet, stop being a jerk. It is nothing but a source of anger for you.

And, after you’ve finished reading this post, unplug.

You will experience withdrawal symptoms such as repeatedly reaching for your phone. Or constantly pressing the F key on your keyboard (for Facebook).

But I can assure you that disconnecting will allow you to DO more. That is what it is all about.

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