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Let’s Make The April Rainy Season Beautiful Days Activities To Enjoy With Your Children

Forget trying to stay dry! Go outside planning to get wet. When it’s warm and raining, it’s fun to go play in the rain! Have indoor activities for children, April showers might bring May flowers, Yeah, I know this one is kind of simple, but little kids LOVE simple. We’ve made a list of our favorite activities for kids as a starting point. Follow the tips, get motivated, and buy all the necessary ingredients so you’re ready to go when the clouds turn. Walking in the rain may sound unpleasant, but with the right gear you can walk in the rain and maybe enjoy it. A waterproof jacket is a must for keep dry while walking in the rain. Raincoats are sold at many department, sports, warehouse, and outdoor stores. Read your favorite book together in a blanket – or start a series like Harry Potter or The Chronicle of Narnia. Take a turn to read, or draw attention to yourself and be interested.

Adults always tell children to stay away from mud. This time, let them play in it. Remember that dirt can make it very difficult to get out of the ground, so wear old clothes. Make mud feet, mud handprints, mud impressions and mud poles. Paint with mud on cardboard, and have a lot of fun! Don’t forget to take pictures.

A good pair of waterproof shoes can help keep your toes drier on your walk, Waterproof running shoes can be a great addition to your store room. Look for shoes made from Gore-Tex, Not only will they feel important and useful. Dry clothes are a must, especially some nice dry, thick, cozy socks.

I sit on a chair, on the balcony, watching the rain from my fourth floor, I often wondering what the birds and animals think or do when it rains.

As long as the kids are stuck indoors, why not spend time together making their favorite food? they’ll also be proud they helped make something. Plus, you get to get some cooking done for the week!

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