The Kids

Your essential guide to what to pack when flying with a baby

Flying with a baby can be an exciting yet daunting experience for parents. From ensuring your little one’s comfort to being prepared for any situation, packing the right items is key to a smooth journey. Here’s your comprehensive guide to packing for a stress-free flight with your baby.

Baby Essentials

Diapers and wipes: Pack enough diapers to last the duration of the flight, plus extras in case of delays. Don’t forget to bring a pack of wipes for quick clean-ups.

Changing pad: A portable changing pad is handy for diaper changes in cramped airplane bathrooms.

Diaper rash cream: Keep your baby comfortable with a small tube of diaper rash cream.

Extra clothes: Pack at least one spare outfit for your baby in case of spills or accidents.

Baby blanket: A soft blanket can provide warmth and comfort during the flight.

Baby food and snacks: Bring along your baby’s favorite snacks and meals, as well as a few extra servings in case of delays.

Feeding Essentials

Bottles and formula: If you’re formula-feeding, bring pre-measured formula in a container and bottles filled with water. If you’re breastfeeding, a nursing cover can provide privacy during feedings.

Baby food pouches or jars: For older babies who are eating solids, pack some convenient baby food pouches or jars.

Bibs and burp cloths: Keep your baby clean during feedings with a bib and have burp cloths on hand for any spills or spit-ups.

Comfort Items

Pacifiers and teething toys: Soothe your baby during takeoff and landing with a pacifier or teething toy to help with ear pressure.

Favorite toys or books: Keep your baby entertained during the flight with some small toys or books.

Comfort items: If your baby has a favorite blanket or stuffed animal, be sure to bring it along for comfort.

Health and Safety

Baby first aid kit: Include essential items like infant pain reliever, thermometer, and band-aids for any minor emergencies.

Baby sunscreen: If you’ll be spending time outdoors at your destination, pack some baby-safe sunscreen to protect your little one’s delicate skin.

Baby carrier or stroller: A baby carrier or lightweight stroller can make navigating the airport and getting around at your destination much easier.

Miscellaneous Items

Travel crib or bassinet: If your baby will need a place to sleep at your destination, consider bringing a portable travel crib or bassinet.

Car seat: If you’ll be renting a car at your destination, bring along your baby’s car seat for safe and comfortable travel.

Essential documents: Don’t forget to bring any necessary documents such as your baby’s passport or birth certificate, as well as your own ID and travel documents.


With this complete packing list, you’ll be well-prepared for a stress-free flight with your baby. By planning ahead and packing the essentials, you can ensure a comfortable and enjoyable journey for both you and your little one. Safe travels!

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