The Kids Trending

How to communicate with a child — Even if you’re not a ‘kid friend’

Communicating effectively with children doesn’t always come naturally to everyone, especially if you don’t consider yourself a ‘kid person’. However, fostering good communication with children is essential for their development and building meaningful relationships. Here are some tips to help you connect and engage with children, even if you feel out of your comfort zone:

1. Respect Their Perspective

Children have unique ways of seeing the world. Approach conversations with an open mind and respect their thoughts and feelings. Ask open-ended questions to encourage them to express themselves and share their viewpoints.

2. Be Patient and Listen

Listening attentively shows children that you value what they have to say. Avoid interrupting or finishing their sentences. Allow them time to articulate their thoughts, and show genuine interest in their stories or concerns.

3. Use Simple and Clear Language

Adapt your language to suit the child’s age and comprehension level. Avoid using jargon or complex sentences that may confuse them. Be clear and concise in your communication to ensure they understand you.

4. Engage in Play

Play is a universal language for children. Join them in their play activities, whether it’s building blocks, drawing, or pretend play. Engaging in playtime shows that you’re interested in their world and helps build rapport.

5. Show Empathy and Understanding

Acknowledge their emotions and validate their feelings. Children may experience a wide range of emotions, and it’s important to show empathy and support. Use phrases like “I understand you’re feeling sad” or “It’s okay to be scared” to reassure them.

6. Establish Trust and Consistency

Consistency in your interactions helps children feel secure and comfortable around you. Be reliable and follow through on your promises. Building trust takes time, so be patient and consistent in your approach.

7. Respect Boundaries and Limits

While it’s important to engage with children, respect their boundaries and personal space. Allow them to set limits on physical contact or play activities they’re uncomfortable with. Establishing mutual respect fosters a positive relationship.

8. Use Positive Reinforcement

Encourage positive behavior by praising their efforts and achievements. Positive reinforcement boosts their self-esteem and encourages them to communicate more openly with you.

9. Be a Role Model

Children learn by observing adults around them. Model respectful communication, patience, and kindness in your interactions with them. Your actions speak louder than words.

10. Learn and Adapt

Every child is unique, and what may be effective for one child might not necessarily be effective for another, emphasizing the need for flexibility in communication and interaction.Pay attention to their cues and adjust your communication style accordingly. Learning from each interaction helps you build stronger connections over time.


Effective communication with children is a skill that can be developed with patience, empathy, and a genuine interest in their well-being. By respecting their perspective, listening actively, and engaging with them in meaningful ways, you can build positive relationships and contribute to their emotional and social development. Remember, you don’t need to be a ‘kid person’ to communicate effectively with children—just a willingness to connect and understand their world.

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