
10 Things to do when you can’t Sleep

We have discussed the importance of sleep and the problem caused because of lack of sleep above. Though we have learned these things, Some people might can’t sleep because of many reasons. Here’s the list of 10 things to do when you can’t sleep.

1. Meditation

Meditation is a great technique to help calm the mind and relax the body, making it an effective strategy when you can’t sleep. Here’s a step-by-step guide to practicingContinue for a set duration: Aim to meditate for at least 10-15 minutes or longer if you prefer. However, even a short meditation session can be beneficial if you’re struggling to sleep. meditation for better sleep Practice progressive muscle relaxation: If you encounter specific areas of tension, you can engage in progressive muscle relaxation.

2. Exercising

Exercises are one of the most important factors to keep our body and mind healthy. Our body temperature tends to rise while doing exercises and it automatically drops after the exercise. This is the factor that helps to induce sleep. So doing regular exercises also keeps our mind busy and also physically fit. Physical exercises help to maintain good physical health which helps us to remain happy and thus forms a stress-free situation which in turn helps to have quality sleep. Create a comfortable sleep environment: Ensure your sleep environment is conducive to rest. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Consider using earplugs, an eye mask, or a white noise machine if needed.

3. Brisk walking

Benefits of brisk walking for sleep: Brisk walking is a low-impact cardiovascular exercise that increases your heart rate and promotes blood circulation. It stimulates the release of endorphins, which can reduce stress and improve mood. Additionally, walking outdoors exposes you to natural light, which helps regulate your body’s internal clock and promotes better sleep-wake cycles. Though this is one of the topics which comes under the category of exercises, I have taken this topic separately because of its advantages. Every early morning going for a walk for at least 20 to 30 minutes changes our life in a tremendous way. The fresh air that we get early in the morning benefits us in different ways. Just taking a brisk walk is enough for increasing your sleep quality.

4. Cleaning your room

Declutter your space: Start by decluttering and removing any unnecessary items from your room. Clear surfaces, tidy up your belongings, and organize things in their designated places. A clutter-free environment can help create a more peaceful atmosphere. This might sound funny, but this is also an important factor to get good sleep. A  Clean and tidy room helps our mind to relax and feel calm. So if you find it difficult to sleep, try cleaning your sleep area. A decluttered room creates anxiety among us and makes us feel uncomfortable, so start with changing the bed sheets, pillow covers, etcetera. as it might contain germs which can cause allergies and do organize any decluttered objects like boxes or accessories in your room and make sure you have a soft mattress as it plays a very important role in inducing sleep and also invests in some good smelling fragrances like lavender which helps to have sleep. So keeping your environment clean and cool helps in getting a night’s quality sleep. Do try this trick the next time when you can’t sleep.

5. Reading books

Choose the right book: Opt for books that are calming, light-hearted, or of personal interest. Avoid intense or suspenseful novels that may keep you engaged and alert. Fiction, self-help, or mindfulness books can be particularly beneficial for relaxation. This is one of the popular things to do when you can’t sleep. Even reading books also helps to calm down and feel relaxed. So make a particular schedule to read the books of your choice before going to bed. Choose the genres like classical, romantic, motivational, autobiography, et cetera. Set a goal to read at least 10 books per month. Growing this habit increases our intellect and knowledge as well and also helps to get some good sleep. Reading books before you go to bed also increases the chance of getting good dreams, so make sure you cultivate this as your daily habit and make it your daily routine try to avoid reading e-books as using a mobile phone increases the chance of not getting sleep.

6. Writing journal

Set aside dedicated journaling time: Designate a specific time before bed for journaling. This allows you to reflect on the day and clear your mind before attempting to sleep. Aim for 10-15 minutes or longer if you prefer. You can keep a personal diary and keep recording your life’s moments writing up the negative things that come to your mind also helps to get rid of those negative thoughts. So even when you are not a writing person, get started with this and you gradually notice how your sleeps quality increases.

7. Keeping electronic gadgets at bay

Establish a screen-free zone: Designate your bedroom as a screen-free zone. Keep electronic gadgets such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and televisions out of the bedroom to create a sleep-friendly environment. The notifications or the messages do impact us to form stress and anxiety, so turning off all the notification is a way to have more quality sleep. Make sure that your sleeping area(room) is always away from electronic gadgets and try to make space for natural ventilation instead of using a fan or AC. These are the things that aid in good sleep.

8. Listening to soothing music

Choose calming music: Select music that has a slow tempo, soft melodies, and gentle instrumentation. Instrumental music, classical music, nature sounds, or ambient tracks can be particularly effective for promoting relaxation and sleep. Experiment with different genres to find what resonates with you. Music helps us in a lot of ways. Music is very therapeutic as well. It is also one of the most popular in aiding sleep. Soothing music can help in lowering our heart rate and helps us to relax by reducing stress and anxiety

9. Taking a hot bath

Set the right temperature: Fill your bathtub with warm water at a temperature that feels comfortable to you. It should be warm enough to relax your muscles, but not too hot to cause discomfort or overheating. Taking a hot water bath one to two hours before you go to bed is highly recommended as it calms down our stress and makes us feel warm. Hot water actually helps in changing the body’s temperature by lowering it, and it also improves blood circulation in our body, taking hot water triggers our brain to sleepiness and it helps in preparing our body to sleep ready and by this, we can experience falling asleep faster and you can notice the better quality of sleep.

10. Eat healthy

Not only following some exercises or hot baths to induce sleep. We must also eat the right food to improve our sleep quality. Avoid drinking coffee or tea at least  1 to 2 hours before bedtime and also make sure to completely avoid junk foods and snacks as it is very unhealthy and causes difficulty along with sleeplessness. Start eating things that are rich in melatonin and instead of snacking eat dry fruits, vegetables, and fruits which are healthy and keep our body stable. Eat home-cooked foods instead of outside food and we should follow a healthy diet to keep ourselves healthy.

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